COBISS3 Software

COBISS3 is the name for the third generation of software, developed by IZUM for the needs of the COBISS system. The COBISS3 software is developed on the basis of object technology.
One of the architectural characteristics of the COBISS3 software is the three-tier concept: user interface, business logic and database.
The COBISS3 software consists of nine modules.
The central module of the COBISS3 software; it supports shared cataloguing within the Co-Operative Online Bibliographic System and Services (COBISS). It enables the following procedures when working with bibliographic and authority records in different databases: searching and viewing records, creating and editing records, downloading records from the COBIB database and different foreign databases, resolving duplicate records, resolving local bibliographic records and splitting authority records.
This module enables libraries the automation of the following procedures for acquiring monographs: purchase (consisting of pre-order selection, order and prepayment of items ordered, receipt of items ordered and payment of items received), receipt and shipment of monographs based on exchange, receipt of legal deposit copies and gifts, claims for undelivered and received material, and claims for payment documents.
This module enables the automation of the following procedures for acquiring serials: purchase (consisting of pre-order selection, order, order cancellation, prepayment and payment of serials), receipt and shipment of serials based on exchange, legal deposit copy or gifts, maintenance of publication pattern data, performance of serials check-ins, claims for missing issues, and claims for payment documents.
Electronic Resources
This module enables libraries the automation of the following procedures for acquiring electronic resources: purchasing packages and licences for individual electronic resources, prepayment and payment of electronic resources, receipt of legal deposit of electronic publications, links to e-book loan portals, partner data maintenance and fund data maintenance as well as counter set-up.
This module enables the procedures for arranging the holdings data on material in fields 996, 997 and 998. The fields are created automatically during the process of material acquisition in the software modules COBISS3/Acquisitions and COBISS3/Serials,
or are added subsequently.
These fields contain detailed data on the holdings, on the basis of which libraries can perform lending services and
maintain acquisition data. When managing the holdings data, the accession numbers and loan numbers enable monitoring of all loan status data, printing of labels, accessioning monographs, and de-accessioning
missing monograph copies after inventory.
The module also includes procedures for managing serials, creation of parallel local records, transfer of fields from one bibliographic record to another,
display of records in the COMARC format, check of the loan status of copies, printing of the list of recently received materials, etc.
This module enables libraries the automation of the following procedures: entering, editing and deleting data on library members, changing library membership card numbers, lending materials for outside loan or for reading room loan, renewing loan periods,
changing due dates, returning material, reserving available and currently unavailable material, returning material with restriction, recording the loss of material, printing lending forms for members
and transferring data from the reference students database. The module also includes procedures for charging library members for the services (procedures for managing the price list, entering and settling
debts, submitting an invoice and managing cash register operations).
Libraries can also perform automated loan procedures in the mobile library
and use the RFID self checkout and RFID reader at the lending desk.
Interlibrary Loan
This module includes the following procedures: recording customer requests for ILL, reservation of home library materials, ordering materials from suppliers or the library's closed stacks, recording the receipt of materials from suppliers or the library's closed stacks, delivery of materials to the customer, return of materials from the customer and return of materials to the supplier or the library's closed stacks. It also includes preparation and submission of invoices for customers (partners) and the maintenance of their data.
Application Administration
This module allows libraries to maintain data on their home library (contact persons or contact departments) and partners (libraries, publishers, services, other institutions and individuals) and to view data on system users. If necessary, the data is updated before working in one of the COBISS3 software modules.
This module allows you to create multiple types of reports, such as different forms, business documents, statistics, etc. Reports are created on the basis of data from all the COBISS3 software modules. The standard-form reports for each module are designed at IZUM.